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tesa Werk Offenburg GmbH
Kinzigstraße 5电话: +49 781 801-0
传真: +49 781 801-236
Email: Contact.Offenburg@tesa.com
With some 420 employees, including 25 apprentices, and an annual production of about 250 million square meters, tesa Werk Offenburg (tWO) is the largest international production site within tesa SE. In 2011, the plant celebrated its 50th anniversary.
Some 70 percent of the products manufactured in Offenburg are further processed as industrial products – for example, in the automotive and electrical industries. The plant’s customers include Audi, BMW, Daimler, Ford, Opel, VW, BASF, Bosch, and Siemens.
The other products are intended for consumer use, including the well-known tesafilm®, Powerstrips®, tesapack®, and tesakrepp®, as well as versatile textile tapes.
One focus of the site is on the solvent-free, environmentally friendly production of adhesive tapes. For instance, a new patented process developed in-house has been used at tWO for the past few years which allows all masking tapes to be coated in a solvent-free manner.
We offer numerous options to help you successfully launch your career – for pupils, students, and those with professional experience.
tWO is a hi-tech enterprise. In addition to its own special-purpose machine manufacturing department, methods and processes are continually being optimized here. Therefore, new employees from technical disciplines are always being sought. The tesa plant also provides in-house vocational training for mechatronics engineers, electronics technicians, industrial mechanics, chemical technicians, and machine operators.
The plant is certified in accordance with the ISO 14001 environmental standard and the quality standards ISO/TS 16949 and ISO 9001.